Important Update
Buyer's Premium will be charged at 30.00% (25.00%+VAT) as of 1st June 2024.
subject to a minimum charge of £6.00 (£5.00 plus VAT) per lot.
We have until now been able to maintain a low Buyer's Premium for many years, absorbing the costs of keeping going through Covid closures, rising utility, premises, and employment costs, as well as fighting against interest rates and inflation. We can no longer afford to keep our fees so low but have accepted the inevitable and have been forced to raise them to allow us to continue offering our Buyers an excellent quality catalogue each month. In our opinion our catalogues are better than the industry standard, with multiple high quality images per lot, good descriptions, with sizes and weights included where appropriate; this is worth paying for and working hard for.
We hope that you can appreciate the pressures we face and know that if we could afford to maintain lower fees then we would be doing so.
Many thanks for you kind understanding,
Greg Bateman
Managing Director
& Senior Valuer